1. Read Chapter 6 of the text book: Coordination
2. Read Biology4Kids’ The Nervous System
3. Go through the following presentation on Coordination:
4. Go through these sites/activities:
– BBC Bites on The Nervous System – click on the revision tab and then try the activity.
– The 5 separate steps involved in the automatic heat reflex response:
– How the nervous system works to coordinate a conscious response to a stimulus
– Synapses
5. The Eye
– Go through the following presentation:
– A journey through the human eye:
– Mr Exham dissects a pig’s eye:
– Practise labelling the eye here
– Test on the function of each structure in the eye here
– Accommodation of the human eye
– The eye in bright and dim conditions
– The Nervous System (where most of the animations are taken from)
– The Nervous System – 46 videos… choose which are relevant
– Khan Academy: The Neuron & Nervous System