I confess.

I went positively insane on books in Singapore. I went so insane we had to ship a whole box over to Pakistan and leave some behind (which made me insanely upset). I have always been insane about books, but then you see this time, my insanity was compounded because I met someone even more insane about them. She is so insane about books that she started her own book business! *S*

Angie Maniam runs The Home Library. She has a lovely selection of books for children and a small, but growing, I am sure, collection for parents. What I love most about The Home Library is the sincerity and love behind the whole venture. Angie strives to choose only the best – they have been carefully assessed, meaning that she and her children have read each and every item they recommend. This is evident because the books in her catalogue are little treasures – they will inspire, stimulate and most of all, strike a chord.

There is also that charming personal touch – when I first contacted Angie, she was ever so exuberant, so much so I lost my normal sense of reserve and proceeded to call her and chat with her for a good half-hour! I was also invited to her home – her children are gems and showed Marz a roaring good time! – to peruse her shelves. I spent three whole hours there! *blush* Nothing like good old-fashioned customer service, I tell you!

If you are in Singapore, The Home Library gives a very good exchange rate, charges no shipping and can also deliver your books for a small fee. Homeschoolers get a nice discount too! Interested?

The Home Library Online

Go forth and shop.
