I love Islamic lectures. I remember when my husband and I were based in the USA and would have to make long road trips to visit relatives in Chicago and Indiana. We would get a stack of CDs and some munchies and we would be good to go.
Now that I am a mother, there are days when it is hard to find the time or muster the energy to sit down and read. When Marz was still a baby, I had to stop attending a Tafseer class as she refused to let anyone look after her (including her dad!). It made me so sad and I felt bereft ilm-wise. I thought at first that my CDs and mp3s were a poor substitute but really… alhamdulillah, I’ve learnt quite a bit. You take the `ilm whenever you can get it, wherever you can get it and however you can get it!
Anyway, here are lectures on Islamic History that you might enjoy – the ones without links are not free/downloadable lectures. You’ll have to purchase the CDs.
By Suhayb Hassan
- The Life and Mission of Muhammad
– 1
- The Life and Mission of Muhammad
– 2
- The True Understanding of the Khilafah – 1
- The True Understanding of the Khilafah – 2
By Abu `Ammar Yasir Qadhi
- Story of The Two Gardens
- The Battle of Uhud – 1
- The Battle of Uhud – 2
- Love for the Prophet
- The Slander of `Aa’ishah – 1
- The Slander of `Aa’ishah – 2
- The Slander of `Aa’ishah – 3
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 1
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 2
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 3
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 4
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 5
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 6
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 7
- The Tafseer of Surah Yusuf – 8
- The Treaty of Hudaibiyah – 1
- The Treaty of Hudaibiyah – 2
By Jamaal al-Din M. Zarabozo
- Muhammad, the Messenger
– 1
- Muhammad, the Messenger
– 2
- Rights of the Messenger and the Relevance of the Sunnah – 1
- Rights of the Messenger and the Relevance of the Sunnah – 2
By Yahya Adel Ibrahim
- Tearful Moments of the Prophet’s Life
- The Truth About `Isa (Jesus) `alayhis salaam – 1: We Are More Worthy of Jesus Than They Are
- The Truth About `Isa (Jesus) `alayhis salaam – 2: The Birth of Jesus Was a Miracle (& the Story of Maryam)
- The Truth About `Isa (Jesus) `alayhis salaam – 3: Jesus Was Saved by Allah From the Cross
- The Truth About `Isa (Jesus) `alayhis salaam – 4: The Dajjal and the Return of Jesus
By Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips
- Love of the Prophet
– 1
- Love of the Prophet
– 2
- The Message of Jesus Christ – 1
- The Message of Jesus Christ – 2
By Dr Jaa`far Sheikh Idris
By Muhammad Syed Adly
- Prophecies of the Prophet,
1/3 : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
- Prophecies of the Prophet,
2/3: 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
- Prophecies of the Prophet,
3/3: 9 | 10 | 11
From Audio Islam
Suhaib Webb
- Mothers of the Believers
Muhammad Alshareef
- Lessons from The Life of Eesa Ibn Maryam
Assalaamu Alaykum Sis,
Masha-Allah I like to visit yr blog occasionaly, it’s nice to read about a sis out their with the same kinda life as you, kind of.
I just have the 1 baby he’s 19months but I am expecting the next masha-Allah.
I agree with you totally. Life changes so much once you are a mother but these Islamic Lectures, even if I have a bad week if get some lectures in masha-Allah it really helps. I am listening to mothers of the believers right now and masha-allah it is wonderful!
Take Care sis.
wa `alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh Umm Abdur-Raheem!
So nice of you to visit and drop a note! Yes, the net has been a blessing for us – I’ve made some friends who have stuck by me and supported me in some tough times alhamdulillah.
You’re expecting another child? Ma shaa Allah… May Allah make things easy and may He bless you with righteous children ameen!
Wow, those are a lot. I’ve never even thought that talks and lectures are available as mp3s (or other music files)… I’m ashamed to admit that sometimes I do get bored (and sleepy) during talks in mosques and stuff, but I think that might be because the lecturer is all about theories and ideas and stuff. If they talk about real stories and examples, I’d be very interested.
I’ll surely check out the links, thanks so much!
Glad you find them useful Aneesah!
assalamu`alaikum. hee. this is cool! more stuffs for my mp3 player. *wink*
jazakallah for sharing. :-)
wa `alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh!
Wa iyyaki… no worries… I’ll have a couple more for you & my niece in shaa Allah when I get to SG!!
Jazakumullahu khairan