Another gem from Sister Adeela of River City Homeschoolers who has been ever so diligent and prolific, ma shaa Allah :)

She has put together a delightful six-week summer session nature study programme, suitable for all ages. It aims to encourage children to have direct contact with nature and to familiarise them with the Quranic verses and ahadeeth pertaining to Allah’s signs in nature. It is a wonderful way to bond as a family and your kids will also get some hands-on activities as well as try their hand in art and craft and journaling.

My kids just LOVE the outdoors and going on their “explorations” – they really take to heart Charlotte Mason’s words: “Never be within doors when you can rightly be without.” LOL! Anyway, I am looking forward to using Sister Adeela’s ideas.

She has kindly allowed me to share her ebook on my site, so click on the image below to save a copy for yourself.

River City Homeschoolers; Nature Study

River City Homeschoolers; Nature Study
