From an activist, Brother Tahir Farooqui, who is helping the flood victims in Pakistan:


… When was the last time you drank a clean cool glass of water and thank Allah for all that we have in this world. This is the real situation of hundreds and thousands of people fighting for a small bottle of water as their families await help from heavens. Would you please share?

My Dear Brothers, Sisters and Respected Elders, Assalamu Alaikum,

As I type, the “flood of the century” is still engulfing new areas and adding to the immense scale of devastation in our beloved Pakistan. At this time of crisis, we on behalf of “Hundermand Foundation operating from Kohat University” would like to appeal to all brothers, sisters and elders to support Pakistan and to help alleviate the sufferings of the flood-affected people and also make dua as well.

Myself (Tahir Farooqui) along with my team members, Brother Ali Raza Bhanger & Brother Danish Qaiyoum will be traveling to the Northern Flood Hit Regions on Sunday 8th August at 1:00 pm inshAllah. Alhamdullilah, with regards to our previous emails, several individuals have generously contributed to this cause. May Allah provide His blessings and Peace to all those who contributed and made efforts in His way. Ameen

As compared to the huge devastation that has been caused, the donations are still very small. Our teams continue to operate in full swing (by the grace of Allah) and we request you once again to please put forward your share no matter be it little. The month of Ramadan is right ahead and Allah promises that you will be rewarded many folds if you take this step forward. We beg you to please pay attention to this request… It is a matter of few hundred thousand precious human lives we are talking about!!

I along with the team will be documenting each penny that is spent inshAllah. Stories, pictures and more will be sent to you once we are there to keep you updated. Your Zakat, Khairat and Sadaqat will be utilized in the best of ways inshAllah.

Remember, they have lost every thing but hope. Take care of one family and Allah will take of yours!

Bank Account information for donations:

Acct Title: Tahir Farooqui
Acct #: 0111-03600000723
Savings Account
Meezan Bank Ltd.
Saba Palace, Sharae Faisal, Karachi.
Swift Code: Meznpkka

Kindly contact me (+92-333-216-1256) in case you have any questions in this regard.


P.S: We are also in the process of setting up camps in Sindh as well, some of our brothers are working for this as well. May Allah Swt give us the Hidaya to perform Tauba & Istigfar so that we can be saved from these natural disasters. Ameen

Wassalam & kind regards,

Tahir Farooqui | | call/sms: +92-333-216-1256
