The past couple of weeks have been insane on the blog-front. My blog up and disappeared for a few days and just in case you are wondering, no, it wasn’t because I didn’t pay my bills :P My webhost’s server was hacked and all the files were deleted. I, naturally, panicked – I’d worked on this blog since 2003 and when I lost the site, it felt like I’d lost a limb. I had stupidly forgotten to make regular backups. I felt really depressed thinking of all the posts I’d lost, particularly the personal ones about my children and my late father.

Alhamdulillah my webhost, Web-Epoch worked hard to restore all the data.

The whole misadventure was a blessing in disguise though – it made me realise how lax I’d become, not just about security and backups but also about my original intention. When I started my sites, I had wanted to use them as a means of gaining and sharing knowledge and also sadaqa jariyah for my late father. The dream hasn’t died but let’s just say that the initial fervour seems to have waned. It wasn’t until I’d nearly lost the site that I realised how much it means to me.

I must really thank this gem of a company – WordPress Installation Service. I’d put off upgrading for so long (I was using version!) that when I finally did want to do it, it had become an overwhelming task. I didn’t dare touch anything for fear of botching the whole thing and losing what has been a labour of love.

I had written to two other companies which claimed to offer prompt and professional service – neither replied to my emails. When I chanced upon WordPress Installation Service and emailed the company, I saw it as a last ditch effort. I didn’t think they would bother with my measly site when it seemed no one else would! I was pleasantly surprised when Mr Zulfikar Nore replied within the day. He understood how much the site meant to me and patiently explained what needed to be done as well as possible issues involved, given that the site needed SEVEN incremental upgrades. I was given regular updates on the work in progress and what was best was not just the speed at which Zulfikar worked but that after upgrading, he took great pains to ensure that my site’s content was intact, both in terms of content and design. I was very impressed with the quick and friendly service. His rates are affordable and his work, top-notch ma shaa Allah. I would not hesitate to recommend WordPress Installation Service – seriously, folks, if you ever run into any problems, this company you will want to hire.

So! Alhamdulillah… here’s to a fresh beginning… revived intentions … and renewed zeal. In shaa Allah.
