OK fans and friends – and there are what… all of 2 of you? :P – here is another homeschooling freebie I dug out of the WWW.
FOSS (Full Option Science System) is a research-based science curriculum for grades K-8 developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California at Berkeley. It is also an ongoing research project dedicated to improving the learning and teaching of science.
The FOSS project began over 20 years ago during a time of growing concern that our nation was not providing young students with an adequate science education. The FOSS program materials are designed to meet the challenge of providing meaningful science education for all students in diverse American classrooms and to prepare them for life in the 21st century. Development of the FOSS program was, and continues to be, guided by advances in the understanding of how youngsters think and learn.
There are interactive activities for kids and teacher resources for grades K-2, grades 3-6 and middle school. There is also a Science Notebook Folio with suggestions for getting started with notebooks plus ideas for deepening student understanding through the use of science notebooks.
I have absolutely no business looking at more home-ed materials, free or otherwise, when I have my books threatening a coup d’etat to expel me out of hearth and home, but I have a tough time trying to determine if you can have enough of a good thing :)
Assalamualaikum sister,
You can add me to your “2 fans”. I’m just one of the silent ones who don’t comment as often as I should, please forgive me. JazzakhakAllah for sharing all the resources. Just wondering do you use most of the links at one point or another? I’m another curriculum/ideas junkie, and it’s getting to the point where I have gathered so many ideas, I want to do everything but nothing is happening cause it’s a bit overwhelming. I’m finalising our plans for next yearwhen we will START inshaAllah. Just waiting for my eldest (almost 7) to finish her final term of grade 1 Alhamdullilah.
Take care,
Umm Saara
wa `alaykum as salaam wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh Umm Saara :)
Awww, how nice of you to come out of blurkdom :) Seriously, don’t worry about commenting – I was just kidding. This ‘no one reads my blog’ thing is just something my friend at Tea & A Think and I laugh about. OK a post just for you after this :)