< cringe >
I’ve just realised that I must sound very patronising every time I talk about Pakistan. Either I go on and on about how much ‘luckier’ I am than everyone else – mawkish bleeding heart, eh? – or my ungovernable acid tongue goes into overdrive. In both cases, I make my new home sound like a dreadful dump that has its general populace wringing their hands in despair.
< /cringe >
So, I won’t promise to be sugar-and-spice-nice all the time :P – honestly, there are too many things to chuckle about (like our water woes). Anyway, as much as I poke fun at this country, it is always done with some measure of affection.
What I will promise is to be fair and showcase some of Pakistan’s charms… one of which is the Etwar Bazaar, where we got some of these here lovely baskets.
Another post for another day in shaa Allah…
MashAllah, how beautiful! I would love to share a nice cup of Chai! Those baskets are simply beautiful…start your own online-store, it’ll make you forget about your water woes… What is the latest on the book front?
Assalamu alaikum, One family that lives near us might be relocating to Lahore within the year, insha’Allah. Their family make-up is very similar to yours. So, at least you could take a train a few hours to visit each other? :) We miss all of you and would like to visit Islamabad again sometime (but only in Spring!)
Are you enjoying mangoes yet? Isn’t it strange that a ‘hot/heaty’ fruit grows during the hottest part of the year?
As Salaam uaalaykum.
Sister can you help me with my site? I just started a forum on islamic parenting and I am short on members. jazakaALlah khayr
salaams sister
i just came across your blog by fishing for other home ed blogs ( i read the about us bit).. i just wanted to say i think its great that your living in islamabad and home schooling. i lived there too when i was 15 im 21 now alhumduliah married with baby..my parents sent me and my brothers to some top nosh school in islamabad while they worked back here in london
we hated it, i hated the techers the kids everything if i had the chance i would live in islamabad but never send my kids to school there..just wanted to say i think your doing the rigth thing by them by teaching them yourself and dont lisen to these people who ask you “when you sending them school” there teching method in schools is EVERYTHING by the book! thats about it really tc salaams xx
[…] with the brown designs. She eventually settled on a basket that came with a lid, which looks like one of these. They look a lot like the kind snake-charmers use! We just use them for our toys or needlework […]