I read these ahadeeth yesterday and truly, they shamed me. How many times have I been in a hurry to complete my chores and placed my child last on my list of priorities? How many times have I forgotten to just STOP and BE THERE for my child?
Well, now is always a good time to change. Must go and colour some pictures with Marz!
And hey, give your kids a hug and kiss… just because, you hear?
- Anas radhiallahu `anhu said: “I have never seen a man more kind with children than the Prophet
.” (Muslim) Anas also said: “The Prophet
had the sharpest sense of humor with children.”
- The Prophet
exhorted justice when he said: “Allah likes that you be just with your children as He likes that you be just among your own selves.” (Al-Daraqutni)
- It was reported from “`A’ishah that the Prophet
kissed Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain, the sons of “˜Ali radhiallahu `anhu while Al-Aqra’ bin Habis Al-Taimi was in his audience. Al-Aqra’ said: “I have ten children, none of whom I have ever kissed.” The Prophet
looked at him and said: “Those who do not show mercy to others will not be shown mercy.”
- “`A’ishah radhiallahu `anha narrated: A Bedouin came to the Messenger of Allah
and said: “You kiss your children, while we do not kiss them.” The Messenger of Allah
said: “I can not help that Allah has removed mercy from your heart.”
- It was reported by At-Tirmidhi and others on the authority of “`Abdullah bin Buraidah from his father (radhiallahu `anhuma) who said: I saw the Messenger of Allah
while he was delivering a sermon. Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain radhiallahu `anhuma came wearing red garments and stumbling while walking. The Prophet
descended Al Minbar (the pulpit) and carried them and put them in front of him. He then said: “Your property and children are only a trial. I saw these two boys stumbling in their walk and could not help stopping my sermon and raising them.”
- Al-Nasa’i and Al-Hakim narrated: While the Prophet
was leading people in Prayer, Al-Hussain came and rode on his neck while he was prostrating himself. The Prophet
prolonged prostration, until they (the worshipers) thought there was something wrong. When Prayer finished, the people said: “You prolonged prostration, O Messenger of Allah, until we thought that there was something wrong with you.” He replied: “My son rode on me i.e. rode on my back, and I disliked to disturb him until he satisfies himself (and gets down).”
- It was narrated in Al-Isabaah that “the Prophet
was of the habit of playing with Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain radhiallahu `anhuma, walking on his hands and knees while they both clung to him from both sides, and saying to them: “What a good camel you have and what a good camel-riders you are.”
- It was narrated in Bukhari and Muslim after Anas radhiallahu `anhu that the Prophet
said: “I enter into Prayer intending to prolong it, but when I hear a baby crying, I shorten it, as I know how his mother is anxious about his crying.”